Orlando REP's Production of
Flora and Ulysses
Director: Chris Armbrister
Sound Designer: Anthony Narciso
Original Music: Anthony Narciso and Alyx Jacobs
Scenic Designer: Joe Klug
Lighting Designer: Casey Price
Costume Designer: Wes Jenkins

The opening of Flora and Ulysses sucks you right into the action when the innocent squirrel Ulysses seemingly gets mangled by an accessorized outdoor vacuum cleaner. Flora thinks this is the end for her furry new friend, but by some odds this incident gives him super strength, intelligence, and the ability to fly! The music takes us from an average day in the neighborhood, to a whirlwind chase, and ends with displaying a feat of amazement.
Flora’s dad, George Buckman, has had a rough life following his divorce. His time with Flora is limited and she doesn’t quite get why. When flora goes to sleep she remembers how her dad would tuck her in and reenact moments from her favorite comic book.

In the dead of night our super squirrel friend finds himself with a case of insomnia. His animal instincts and newfound intelligence mash when he discovers both a bag of Cheetos and Mother’s typewriter. Ulysses' nighttime adventure brings both a sense of wonder and suspense.
In the act I finale, Ulysses is antagonized by Rita the donut shop waitress. After a failed first attempt, he soars through the air, astounding Flora and George, but terrifying the others.

Flora and Ulysses at Orlando REP
Photos by Michael Cairns